
What’s ailing India’s Higher education (IHE) system?

Developed nations are leaders in high quality education system, where research creates wealth and professional create corporations. In rest of the world, ‘Education’ system is developed to create skilled manpower to fulfil economic agenda. India falls into the group of nations where agenda of education is sub-optimal. With >900 universities and 130 ‘Institutions of National Importance’ and >350 private universities and catering to around 4 crore students, India could not create a single institution worth of being rated anywhere near among the world’s top 50/100/150 universities. Recent attempt by GoI instituted panel of experts struggled to identify 20 institutions/ universities worthwhile and ready to be given ‘Institute of Eminence (IoE)’ tag that allows some autonomy to operate globally. Though the idea is good but too late and too little. T here are still lot of restrictions in going global - in deciding fee to be charged, in admitting foreign students and faculty recruit...